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Selectmen Minutes 10/21/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 21, 2008

PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Stevens

Chairman DeBold called the Board Meeting to order at 7:02PM.

Chairman DeBold remarked on the tragic loss of dear friend and colleague David Paveglio and on behalf of the Board stated condolences to the Paveglio family who remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Subject: HCPP Grant/Master Plan Update
Present: Paul Adams

Mr. Adams began by stating his disappointment that not a selectman or Planning Board member was present at last Friday night’s 20/20 Vision forum, sponsored by the Planning Board.  

Chairman DeBold was present and Selectman MacCleery had attended the kick off meeting the week prior.

Mr. Adams stated his opinion that this is a master plan update being disguised as a workforce housing study, that it is full of special interest groups and does not accurately reflect all the needs of the town to be considered such as an economic development committee.  Mr. Adams stated he is conflicted by this stage II leading to a master plan update committee. Mr. Adams asked who is on the master plan update committee.  Selectman MacCleery explained the purpose of the introduction meetings was to ascertain interest from the general public to solicit citizens to play a role on a variety of steering committees that will eventually lead to the master plan update committee.

Mr. Adam’s chief concern is that this stage of the grant work should be a sub-set of the master plan and not the master plan update. Economic development is an important piece.  Chairman DeBold agreed that a lot more involvement globally is needed when updating a master plan, this is not a master plan merely a component of a master plan.

Subject: Employee matter
Present:  David Kenneally, Road Agent, Carol Raymond

Chairman DeBold relayed the clarification from counsel regarding the employee’s request for an open meeting.  On the advice of counsel, the Board did not grant that request and chose to deal with this matter in closed session.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan to allow Carol Raymond to invite her supervisor into a non-public session to discuss an employee matter.  Motion passes by a 2-1 vote.  

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to enter into non-public session at 7:30pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II, (a), to discuss an employee issue.  Jordan – yes; MacCleery – yes; DeBold – yes.

The Selectmen returned to public session at 7:50pm.  The Board has completed its investigation and no further action need be taken.  

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

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October 21, 2008

For the record, the Road Agent informed the Board the highway department would not be working tomorrow, but would be attending the funeral for coworker Paveglio.  

The Road Agent informed the Board of a great deal he has received for the purchase of rip rap material from the cleanup work going on at the Merrimack Timbers property on Route 4.  The town is receiving a truck load of material for $25.00.  This is a savings of about $4000 for the town.  Mr. Kenneally hopes to stockpile about a $1000 worth at the shed.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Lisa was given inaccurate information regarding the release of the ambulance from the auctioneers prior to the State auction. It could not be returned to the town for private sale.  The ambulance remained in the auction and was sold for $3,750, after the auctioneer’s ten percent; the town will receive a check for $3,375.  

The water heater has let go at the Safety Building. Chief Vien has solicited quotes and is still waiting on a third price.

Gil volunteered to fill in as building inspector.

The Board has received a complaint from Warden Stock citing the use of foul language by Chief Vien during an ambulance call on Saturday.   The letter also cited a concern for the request of placing a private citizen in a potentially hazardous situation.  A copy of the letter is retained as part of the permanent record.

Selectman MacCleery asked the Chief if he had used foul language while participating in an emergency call last Saturday.  Chief Vien stated he did not swear at Mr. Stock.  Selectman MacCleery asked the Chief if he had asked a private citizen to come down and shut off the gas.  Chief Vien explained that he had asked Mr. Stock to come out in the field with him as a rouse to remove Mr. Stock from inside the house because Mr. Stock’s radio was on and broadcasting all the EMS communication in front of the family members. Chief Vien stated he asked Mr. Stock to come with him but never asked him to shut off the gas. The Board was satisfied with the Chief’s response and directed Lisa to send a follow-up to Mr. Stock.  Selectman MacCleery stated his concern for accepting such documentation unsigned via email.   The Board talked about setting policy to accept signed documents only.

Selectman Jordan asked Mr. Vien for an explanation of his duties listed on his timesheet.  Selectman Jordan asked what equipment he was working on, how could what he was doing take eight hours, and why anyone would need help to change the oil on the grader.  Mr. Vien gave an explanation of the repairs and maintenance he performed on the various highway equipment last week.  Mr. Vien stated Ms. Raymond helped with the oil change on the one ton not the grader.  Selectman Jordan stated there was a total of thirty-two (32) hours of equipment maintenance listed that in his opinion should only have taken eight (8) hours.

Mr. Doug Hall stopped in to update the Board on the voting preparations for the General Election.  Mr. Hall has notified Mrs. McKay that there will not be room for the student table in the main hall.  Mr. Hall will ask the election officials to carpool and or park in the lower parking lot and will be requesting an additional police officer to handle traffic on Main Street. Mr. Hall has secured two (2) substitute ballot clerks.

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October 21, 2008

Mr. Hall expressed his concern for the potential for a large influx of new voters that can bog down the Supervisors of the Checklist and create a bottleneck.  Doug is planning on speaking with the Supervisors on Saturday to discuss this matter and offer a suggestion for the Supervisors to appoint some deputies for that day to assist in new voter registrations.

Selectman MacCleery suggested a letter be placed in the Road Agents file relative to the foul language complaint.  The Matter has been investigated and Mr. Kenneally has apologized to the offended parties.  The Board was in agreement to keep this incident on file.

Selectman Jordan was concerned of the appearance of how little is getting done at the shed, low productivity, employees performing busy work, hanging around the shed when they should be out cutting brush. The Board as a whole was concerned with what appears to be little work being done by the highway department and questioned why brush cutting was not being performed around town.

Lisa informed the Board that the medical rates for 2009 have been reduced by 13.9 percent, a direct result of the five town pool created through the efforts of the Suncook Valley Cooperative Select boards.

With the issuance of the $400,000 disbursement request from the school district, the town will be void of cash flow.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, to authorize the town treasurer to execute the tax anticipation note to borrow up to $200,000, at a rate of 2.81 percent from Citizens Bank.  All three were in favor, motion passes.
For the record, the Board met at Chucksters on Bailey Road on Thursday October 17, 2008, to confirm the compliance of replacement lighting installed to address the concerns by abutting residents of glare and light trespass.  The Board determined the shield used was effective and instructed Chucksters to use those shield on all lights on the mini-golf course area. In addition, the owners were instructed to re-direct the four lights on the batting cages.

The office received a phone reply from Mr. Fauteux, owner of the MTS Environmental site at 69 Dover Road, indicting his receipt of the Boards letter and his awareness of the Site Plan regulations for a change in use.  Mr. Fauteux indicated the clean-up operation will be completed by the first of November.  The Board agreed to wait until November 1st to review whether or not further action is needed for property compliance.

The Board reviewed a new zoning complaint received by the Citizens concerned for Lighting expressing the excessive glare at Z-p Express.  The Board will direct the Police Department to take photo documentation of the alleged violation.

All appeal deadlines have passed for the Drew complaint.  The Board will confirm the status of operations and document same prior to proceeding with litigation.

Mr.& Mrs. Dennis Doucette have not acknowledged receipt of correspondence from the Board. The Board a set aside some time this evening to meet with the property owners to discuss the apparent junkyard violation on their property located on Kelley Corner Road.  The Board needs to discuss how to proceed.

Lisa informed the Board that the Social Security Administration has established the COLA increase for 2009 at 5.8 %.  Chairman DeBold stated his opinion that the town employees should be compensated with the COLA rate as established by the SSA.  Selectmen Jordan and MacCleery questioned if that
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October 21, 2008

rate was applied to all State and Federal employees as well or just individuals on supplemental income.  Lisa will research State and Federal applied COLA rates.

Lisa informed the Board of two individuals offering to assist the town as interim building inspector.  The Board would like to meet with Mr. Paul Colby, certified building inspector and former fire department member in regards to this part-time position.  In the meantime, Mr. Colby will handle two pending inspections needed for this week.  The Board directed Lisa to put together the current financial structure for this position.

Lisa inquired of the Board’s position on filing the Letter of Intent for Hazard Mitigation on behalf of the Scheys on Deer Meadow Road.  The Board agreed to submit the letter of Intent to the State as it requires no money commitment by the town at this point in time.

Lisa informed the Board that the office printer has a broken engineering board and will not duplex any longer.  Lisa submitted options for repair, replacement new or a refurbished unit.  The Board requested Lisa solicit additional quotes and authorized the expenditure of the refurbished printer as quoted by Alpha Computers, provided a better price could not be secured.

The perambulation with the town of Pittsfield needs to be completed.  Chairman DeBold will follow-up with Pittsfield Selectman Vien.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.  Payroll and accounts payable were signed.

Lisa reminded the Board that the office will be closed again on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 for staff to attend the second class from the LGC Academy on financial reporting.  

The Selectmen will not meet on November 4th due to the General Election and November 11th due to the Veteran’s Day holiday.  The Board will meet to conduct a joint public hearing with the Conservation Commission on Monday, November 10th, to discuss the plan by snowmobile club NH Traildawgs to construct a trial over town owned property.  The Board will meet after the public hearing to sign checks and address any pressing issues.  

Being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman DeBold at 10:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Town Administrator
                                                                Approved As Written
Richard DeBold, Chairman

Stephen MacCleery

Jeffrey Jordan